Hi there all from the team at Clean Earth Ltd.
Only our offices close over this holiday period - from noon on Tuesday December 24th to 8.00am Monday 6th of January... HOWEVER we are operating a skeleton crew and will be clearing answerphone messages to ensure your servicing needs are met.
Ensure you do phone us with messages and requirements as emails may not be attended to as efficiently when the office is closed.
For Wheeliebin services Monday and Tuesday empties remain as normal for greenwaste and general waste, paper/recyclables are deferred until the week beginning January 6th unless you've booked in advance.
All Wednesday empties for general waste wheeliebins are one day earlier on Tuesday and all Thursday general waste empties are deferred to one day later on Friday for both Christmas and New Year weeks.
If you are a commercial front load client it is only the stat days that you will not receive a service and all services will be in accordance with your advice of holiday closures. Any emergencies call us on 844 1060 as we will be clearing messages regularly.
Thankyou for your loyal support of Clean Earth in 2024 - have a wonderful break with your families, drive safely and see you in the New Year.
Deborah, Robert, Christine, Brianna, Andrew, Ben, Tom, Darrell, our Christmas helper Annah and of course, Cheese the Dog (Matthew is on parental leave and welcomed his new baby daughter in November).