A friendly reminder that when our Greenwaste only services fall on a public holiday Monday, because we give our amazing team the day off... but don't worry you can put it out on
Friday of the same week, ready for the weekend of gardening again.
For those with Hazardous Materials - solvents/sprays/paints and the mystery tin of something from 1987... the Napier City Council's Hazmobile Service is coming up in November. YOU MUST BOOK IT IN!
Find the details here; HazMobile collection is a free annual service for residents to safely dispose of their hazardous waste such as garden sprays, car oil and fuel, cleaners, paint and chemicals.
The next collection will take place on Sunday, 15 November. There are limited spaces available and booking is required.
To book visit http://www.napier.govt.nz/.../hazardous-waste-collection