If you are an essential commercial business or a business that needs your bin cleared due to Health and Safety reasons, please contact us and we will arrange with you the best way to action that service for you during this lock down period, but preferably we request you wait if that's possible.
If you utilise any of our regular general waste wheeliebin services - ENSURE your bin is at curbside - that you have disinfected the handles and lid area before placing at curbside and AFTER we have actioned your empty.
No monies may be collected from you, nor our staff enter your property, building or home to action a service during this time.
No casual services are available at this time.
No paper/woodwaste/glass recycling services are available during Level 4 Lockdown.
Take care all from the team at Clean Earth Ltd - Robert, Deborah, Chris, Matt, Andrew, Ben and Darrell.